We've all heard of the "craze" of planking. I mean folks are lying down everywhere! And if you are on Facebook you know that I found another "craze"...owling. I mean really? LOL. Where do people even find the time to look into this stuff? Anyhoo...I found the time to find something. It's called flamingo-ing. And I want to see you flamingo! Yes I know they're knees bend the other way, but it would still make for some fun interpretations. I will run this for 1 week and we'll let the people vote! And by people I mean my sweet Juju. If he chooses your picture you will get a $15 gift card to Target and your winning picture printed and framed in all its beautiful flamingo glory.
In order to participate you just have to "LIKE" my FB page. All pictures will be submitted there. No nudity please!
So let's do it! Contest starts today and will go until next Thursday July 28th. Winner will be announced on Friday the 29th.