Spring/summer inevitably means tank tops, short shorts, bathing suits and bikinis. Ah the bikini...my favorite summer wardrobe.
This time of year, people are crash dieting or not eating and even spending HOURS in the gym to ensure that they are bikini ready, nearly killing themselves to have the perfect summer body. NOOOOOO!!!! I wish I could scream it to everyone! MODERATION is key! Stop depriving yourself and instead moderate yourself. Make healthier decisions. Summer is the time for fruits...have a sweet peach (or fruit of your choice) instead of that double chocolate chip cookie. Make a cooling fruit smoothie instead of buying a calorie induced frappe when the temps start to rise. Oh and let's not forget WATER, WATER, WATER. Because of cooler temps, we've been stuck indoors. Now that it's warming up, get outside. Go for a walk or run outside, or just go to the park.
Instead of stressing upon the impending seasons, let's fill this spring and summer season with fun, confidence and moderation.