"We wear short shorts..."
Sing it ladies! Summer time is here so let those legs out! Tis the season for mini skirts, sundresses, and short shorts. Time to get those gams looking FA-BU-LOUS!
Don't worry, I got you covered. Couple little things that you can start doing today (or tomorrow) to get those legs ready to be seen.
Take the stairs. Up & down LOL. I had to add that since a lot of folks don't mind walking down stairs but never ever walk up. Keep your posture straight and if you want to make it harder don't stomp up/down the stairs, stay on your pallet the whole time. You'll feel it in your thighs and calves...oh yes you will. I've been walking up & down 4 flights of stairs to and from my office all this week. With as much as I work out you would think it would be a cake walk. WRONG. I was winded and out of breath and sweaty. Now a week later, it is definitely getting better ;-)
No stairs? Try squats. I personally LOVE squats. And you can do them anywhere, at anytime because all you need is your body. It works you legs and your booty. Just remember to do them right. Knees directly over your toes, heels on the ground, like your sitting down in a chair. In our house we like to do contests on who can get the lowest and stay low the longest without losing form. Hard core? Squat down and as you come back up, add a quick jump at the top.
Lunges. Don't know what else to say about these except oh ya feel the burn! Just remember to keep good form. (You should ALWAYS keep good form while doing any exercise)
Donkey butt kicks. Aw come on y'all already know about these. Channel Jane Fonda and get to it.
There are a ton of leg workouts that you can try. Look online, check YouTube. OR....just do 3 sets of 12 for each of the exercises I listed above. Well except the stairs lol.
Don't forget to link up with my love Duckie and check out my girl
Stephanie! These 2 chickies are FAB & have really kept me on my toes and keep motivating me.
P.S. You can follow me and my workouts on my other blog
Workin' It.
*I am not a fitness professional. All the above is from just ME. I just like to workout and let everyone know what works for me. As always, please consult a physician before starting any new major workout routine.*