Last week, kids from all over went back to school. Including my little barbarians
(yes I've been calling them "the dudes" for so long...but a friend of ours started calling Big Daddy "the barbarian" and now we're all barbarians LOL).
Week 1 is now over...bring on the homework!
BamBam's first day of school EVER!
It was Big Daddy's first day back too
So excited for the first day that they woke up early and finished breakfast early so they got to watch some PBSkids before we left.
Finding his name
Settling in to color
The hardest thing was leaving BamBam in his class. First day of school for the little guy...yes I cried. Y'all know I'm a wuss. The 2nd hardest thing was knowing that he would be catching the school bus home. You see, pre-k in our new school district is "half day" which is from 7:45am to 10:45am. GAH! And at the advice of the teacher, he should ride the bus home on the first day instead of us picking him up. I was on edge all morning. I even walked to the bus stop a bit early...
My big guy! I got all teary eyed again as I watched him come off the bus and almost lost it when he ran into my arms. Sheesh...thank goodness he's the last one HA!
A successful first week dontcha think? ;-)
See ya next week!