So I'm starting my own thing. What is this thing u ask? Duh, whats the title of this post? Just kidding :)
So again, hey to all my peeps and new peeps...(in my UFC ref voice) LET'S GET IT ON!!!
A: Most favorite summer ACTIVITY: BBQs! Really anything that allows me to be outside all the time. Have I mentioned I LOVE THE SUN?! No? Well I LOVE THE SUN! :) lol
B: What did you eat for BREAKFAST this morning: Caramel frappe
C: I like my COFFEE: Black with a spoonful of sugar.
D: Last time you went to the DENTIST: Probably when I was in high school. In was a week after I graduated from high, when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out. HA!
E: Have you ever ridden on an ELEPHANT: Why, yes I have lol. And not like when I was a kid or anything. The circus was in town one year when I was still in college. I was a little tipsy and was dared to ride it. So I did.
F: FAKE or real: Aahhh, real. But next year, fake! Then I can really say, everything's bigger in Texas ;)
G: GPA when you GRADUATED high school: 3.4 I was a smart cheerleader :)
H: Right HANDED or left: I, like the majority, am right handed. But I can color with my left hand. But its not like I get to show off that talent anymore.
I: Favorite flavor of ICE CREAM: CHOCOLATE!!! Or rocky road. Or chocolate chip cookie dough.
J: Piece of JEWELRY you always have on: My wedding ring of course. And my great-grandmother's diamond earrings that I just got for my 30th birthday.
K: Hot dog-->KETCHUP or mustard: Are you kidding me? Ketchup is for burgers and fries. Mustard on mine please. With relish.
L: How old were you when you got your drivers LICENSE: Got my permit when I was 15 and the very next week, I got my license.
M: What MOVIE can you watch over and over: Serendipity or Fools Rush In. I like romantic comedies.
N: NEVER leave home without: My blackberry or wallet. And Bo---Stanky's stuffed beagle that he takes EVERYWHERE. Me? can't live without my BB, him? can't live without that damn dog LOL
O: Regular or golden OREOS: Love, love, love the golden ones.
P: What do you like on your PIZZA: Pepperoni and mushrooms. ALWAYS.
Q: Favorite QUOTE: Right now-->"Just because you are immersed in the important task of raising human beings, doesn't mean you should lose sight of your individual needs." (via @tedrubin)
R: Last time you danced in the RAIN: It was actually tonight. We had just got home from Big Daddy's rugby practice, and I was getting Stanky out of the car. He started shaking his booty, so I shook mine. LOL.
S: Public SCHOOL or private: LMAO!!! Private. All 13 years.
T: What TIME do you eat lunch: Its been varying the past couple of weeks. We're in the middle of transitioning about 200 parks over to new equipment, so I can barely even get a chance to breathe sometimes. I usually try and take my lunch around 1pm or 2pm.
U: Have you ever had to wear a UNIFORM: YES! I went to private school from kindergarten until I graduated from high school. I also used to manage a pretzel place and had to wear a uniform. Oh and I was a cheerleader so ya that too.
V: Where would your dream VACATION be: Italy. Better yet...Egypt. I love love love everything egyptian.
W: Last letter you WROTE: Was to Big Daddy...It was for this past Valentine's day.
X: Last time you had an X-RAY: I think it was my 3rd year of college. I was working out with a couple guys from the cheerleading squad, you know going through stunts. Well I am a tiny person so when I get tossed in the air, I tend to "float." We were practicing just a simple basket toss, and I floated to the right some. I was caught--sorta, but still jammed my wrist into the ground "pretty gnarly.'' (HAHA thats what the DOCTOR told me).
Y: Any YOUNGER siblings: Yup. 2 sisters..Trisha and Shauna Alexis.
Z: ZEBRAS-->Black with white stripes or white with black stripes: Ummm whatever. I say black with white stripes because black is my favorite